Saturday 14 August 2010

Hazaroon Khwahishen (Thousands of Aspirations)

It strange how human heart works, it even stranger how human mind finally directs the soul !
A potpourri of wishes & aspirations is kept hidden in some nook or corner of mind - but we never disclose it completely ever or even if one wants to at times can explain it better !

Sometimes I wish, would that be if I could rewind my time & put a tickmark on my checklist of aspirations one by one & not just going by the way the world works

It reminds me of that song of MLTR may be someday I might be able to have courage of materialising those aspirations that ail my soul & finding answers which have been sought from long time !

Saturday 7 August 2010

Life Learns Like Leech

...title seems odd a bit, but frankly saying I wanted all words to start with same letter lol
Every second of my life it feels as if I am absorbing one thing or the other from my surroundings - be it negative or positive.
for instance, Today only I learnt that Every Stinking Threshold is easy to pass with a Sweet memo How strange it is that a human mind never stops learning. (Although it might grey but as long as its alive, its upto something).
But there also are times when one wants to delve deep into the joyous pause life's pace for a moment & have eternal bliss.
Soon we get fed up & start on again on the regular path of life :P
I feel that my thoughts are rather unregulated & unorganised. But I want to be free in expressing my free mind in any way I like. I wanted to go with the title in the beginning I did. But I wanted to let it be a natural flow of thought, even if it is random.

I must pause here coz I can't keep on writing a piece forever there are some tasks pending which need attention...(in my case food)
So, my writ stops begin again in a similar random time warp.